If you are interested in adopting a ferret, please download and fill out the form below. You can either fill it in on your computer and e-mail it, or print it off, fill it in by hand, and e-mail us a copy. Alternatively, if you are unable to do either of those methods, you can copy and paste the following application into an e-mail and fill it out that way.
Once complete, please e-mail to: [email protected]
Once complete, please e-mail to: [email protected]
FLSAC Adoption Application |
FLSAC Adoption Application
Telephone Number:
Best time to reach you at home:
Do you own or rent?
If renting, does your landlord allow pets/ferrets?:
Children (and their age) living at home:
Have all members of the household discussed and agreed to the adoption of the ferret?
Who will be primarily responsible for looking after your ferret?
Do you have a ferret knowledgeable veterinarian for your ferret?
Name of veterinarian/clinic:
Address of clinic:
Clinic telephone number:
Other companion animals in the home (species, ages):
Do you currently have a ferret?
How many:
Age and sex:
Have you ever had a ferret in the past?
If yes, what happened that you no longer have one?
Why do you want a ferret (list all reasons)?
Have you researched or read about ferrets (list sources)?
Do you currently have a cage for the ferret?
If yes, please give full description i.e., size, levels, manufacturer, etc.
Do you have a carrier for vet trips?
What kind of food are you prepared to get for your ferret (please list brand name/s)?
Do you have time to spend several hours a day with your ferret (i.e., 2-4 hours)?
Are you prepared to commit to keep the ferret for its lifetime (up to 10 years)?
Do you have the financial means to ensure your ferret gets veterinary care as needed?
For example, are you willing and able to spend over $100 per year for annual checkups and vaccines?
Are you aware that ferrets are prone to a number of cancers and diseases?
Are you willing and able to spend between $500 and $3000 for tests, exams, medicines and surgeries if your ferret ever gets ill?
If your ferret develops an illness - are you willing to care for an ill ferret (adrenal, insulinoma)?
Who will look after your ferret if you have to be away?
Are you interested in adopting:
A single ferret?
A pair of ferrets?
More than 2 ferrets?
What age/s are you looking for?
Would you consider adopting a special needs ferret e.g., senior (>3 yrs. old; handicapped[1]; established illness requiring regular medication, etc.)?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
Thank you!
[1] Note: Deafness is so common in ferrets it is not considered a handicap.
Telephone Number:
Best time to reach you at home:
Do you own or rent?
If renting, does your landlord allow pets/ferrets?:
Children (and their age) living at home:
Have all members of the household discussed and agreed to the adoption of the ferret?
Who will be primarily responsible for looking after your ferret?
Do you have a ferret knowledgeable veterinarian for your ferret?
Name of veterinarian/clinic:
Address of clinic:
Clinic telephone number:
Other companion animals in the home (species, ages):
Do you currently have a ferret?
How many:
Age and sex:
Have you ever had a ferret in the past?
If yes, what happened that you no longer have one?
Why do you want a ferret (list all reasons)?
Have you researched or read about ferrets (list sources)?
Do you currently have a cage for the ferret?
If yes, please give full description i.e., size, levels, manufacturer, etc.
Do you have a carrier for vet trips?
What kind of food are you prepared to get for your ferret (please list brand name/s)?
Do you have time to spend several hours a day with your ferret (i.e., 2-4 hours)?
Are you prepared to commit to keep the ferret for its lifetime (up to 10 years)?
Do you have the financial means to ensure your ferret gets veterinary care as needed?
For example, are you willing and able to spend over $100 per year for annual checkups and vaccines?
Are you aware that ferrets are prone to a number of cancers and diseases?
Are you willing and able to spend between $500 and $3000 for tests, exams, medicines and surgeries if your ferret ever gets ill?
If your ferret develops an illness - are you willing to care for an ill ferret (adrenal, insulinoma)?
Who will look after your ferret if you have to be away?
Are you interested in adopting:
A single ferret?
A pair of ferrets?
More than 2 ferrets?
What age/s are you looking for?
Would you consider adopting a special needs ferret e.g., senior (>3 yrs. old; handicapped[1]; established illness requiring regular medication, etc.)?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
Thank you!
[1] Note: Deafness is so common in ferrets it is not considered a handicap.